Jupyter Notebook

Follow these three steps below to connect to a remote host jupyter notebook in your browser:

1. Submit a job for running Jupyter

Modify the lines with "#SBATCH" for your own needs. For example, you may need to request GPU nodes, or larger memory nodes.

#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --partition=defq
#SBATCH --mem 64G
#SBATCH --time 1-0:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name jupyter-notebook
#SBATCH --output jupyter-notebook-%J.log

# get tunneling info
port=$(shuf -i8000-9999 -n1)
node=$(hostname -s)
cluster=$(hostname -f | awk -F"." '{print $2}')

# print tunneling instructions jupyter-log
echo -e "
MacOS or linux terminal command to create your ssh tunnel:
ssh -N -L ${port}:${node}:${port} ${user}@${cluster}

Use a Browser on your local machine to go to:
localhost:${port}  (prefix w/ https:// if using password)

# load modules or conda environments here
# e.g. farnam:
# module load Python/2.7.13-foss-2016b

jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=${port} --ip=${node}

Once the job get allocated resources, you should see something like this in a file named jupyter-notebook-${jobid}.log

[I 15:10:46.168 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /PATH/TO/YOUR/FOLDER
[I 15:10:46.168 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.4.0 is running at:
[I 15:10:46.168 NotebookApp] http://esplhpc-cp006:8030/?token=fb22cf8ab11ca19017fbb5b602d3374e1f90f4aae6a0f811
[I 15:10:46.168 NotebookApp]  or

From here, your node is esplhpc-cp006, your port is 8030

2. Configure local SSH Tunnel

Build the SSH tunnel using the following command on your local computer's terminal - remember to change USERNAME to your own username:

ssh -N -L 8030:esplhpc-cp006:8030 USERNAME@esplhpccompbio-lv02.csmc.edu

Note that you can also use different login nodes esplhpccompbio-lv0[123].csmc.edu.

You can also add the following lines to your .bash_aliases for faster access and saving a few keystrokes:

csmc-jupyter() { NODE=$1; PORT=$2;
echo "$NODE:$PORT"; 
ssh -N -L $PORT:$NODE:$PORT USERNAME@esplhpccompbio-lv02.csmc.edu; }

Then, you can connect by simply csmc-jupyter esplhpc-cp006 8030 on your local terminal.

3. Connect to remote Jupyter

Upon successful building the SSH tunel, you can connect to the running Jupyter notebook by simplying copy and paste the URL we saw in the first place. In this example, this is

TODO: how can we put this in VSCode?

Note that you can connect to multiple running Jupyter notebook instances, as long as your ports are different.

Last updated

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